Counting my blessings…

Aargh – when the blues come marching in. I am talking about the blues of depression – not the life-saving Brits here. They really don’t give you any warning – do they? There you are plodding steadily through life, day in and day out, putting one foot stolidly in front of the other, getting one job done before you tackle the next, until it is finally time to tuck in those poor soles and go to bed – when Wham! Suddenly you get hit by this familiar stranger and you collapse into this weepy (have you burst into tears for no valid reason?), irritable (the family knows how to zip their lips when the symptoms are read) and generally sad and unhappy individual. Until Time decides to step in and acts as the only and greatest healer and brings out the brightest sunshine and the colored rainbows.

The next time this visitor decides to break the door down, I intend to be prepared. One way in which I thought I can help Mr. Time (why Mr? I always wonder – from the character study of this personality, I think Time should be a much loved, dimpled grandmother – anyway I digress) is by listing down my blessings. There really are a million, zillion, trillion things to be grateful for, be happy about and generally be thankful for. So in no particular order, here they are:

  • enough money to do what I want – it really is a pleasure not to scrimp and scrape and genuinely not count the pennies or the hundred rupee notes (what can you get with a penny nowadays and anyway we don’t use pennies)
  • general good health for me and mine – I really need to hug this fact close to my heart and keep looking at it over and over and over.
  • the freedom to do whatever I want most of the time – until the rare times that the HoH (head of the house) steps in and stomps around.
  • good friends who are available around the clock.
  • so many books to be read – so many thoughts to be explored.
  • so many new dresses in my closet with the tags intact.
  • the genuine absence of desire or need for adding materialistic possessions or intangible stuff.
  • the slowly steadily building of inner peace – Oogway, I understand now what you mean.
  • the silent growing of the spiritual connect – I know now that He will handle anything – while earlier I believed, now I know.
  • the recent trip to Masinagudi.
  • and so much more.

Armed with these thoughts, I hope to have these as added medication to Time and learn to be happy. Once that is out of the way, the next target would be contentment. The questions that need answering there would be:

  • am I making the most of this life?
  • am I being the best daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, daughter in law, aunt I can be?
  • am I giving back enough?

But that is the content for another post since this blog like me is a work in progress. Catch you all later…..




17 thoughts on “Counting my blessings…

  1. Padma

    Wonderfully articulated Malini. Felt if you were writing about me many times. For a try, would say excellent job. Can’t wait for the next one. Now you are under pressure!!!!


  2. Jyoti

    Nice!! Better late than never, finally you started to write.. Felt like your inner core thoughts have gathered for long time n got a vent now. Waiting for more..


  3. Maya

    A beautiful piece of writing!! Liked the reference of Time, to a dimpled grandmother!!! Very true!πŸ˜ƒ Why do we always have to refer time in the male gender?

    Looking forward to the next one!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. SR

    Nicely done, Malini. Very well written and to the point. Glad you are back to writing. These feelings are true for many our age and were never discussed in open. I know this feeling of darkness that the hormones trigger and do exactly what you describe. I do let the tears flow but think of all positive things that we have to bring the light in. My mother used to constantly say ” always think of people who are in need of things and shake yourself up! Be useful. ” I volunteer my time to organizations here to keep busy. You made me reflect with your writing. That is truly healing through writing. Thanks, my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Keerthana

    It’s rare that we gather the courage & the time to write a meaningful piece that doesn’t just serve as an out pour of our thoughts but could well kindle a similar feeling experienced by many around thus evoking the same spirit of ‘counting our blessings’ in many. I’m so proud of your courage to pen your thoughts in a free flowing simplistic style that makes the reader take a purposeful pause. Kudos to you, Malini.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. malinivenkat Post author

    All of you – appreciate the time taken and the really encouraging comments – am holding myself accountable to publish at least a post a week – you guys asked for it. πŸ™‚



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